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Saturday, October 15, 2011


There are so many stray thoughts in my head today! I want to share the interesting ones :)

You know literary devices, right? Well, have you heard of one for abuse? That's right. Bdelygmia is a literary device for abusing in poetic language. Go google it!
I like words, they all seem to be onomatopoetic (I know, that's not a real word). Have you ever thought about how you picture words? Happy, sad, jealous, angry, hopeful, sarcastic. What do you see/feel when you read these words? I see that expression on a face when I read the word. 'Sad', now those three letters seem to me to be making a 'sad' expression. It's just how I picture it. Some people might be visualizing it another way. How do you see it?

You know where i got this idea from? Feynman (If you haven't heard of him, get ON IT! A brilliant guy. You must get your hands on the book, 'Surely You're Joking Mr.Feynman'). I watched an interview of him once on Youtube, in which he was describing the techniques (which differs from person-to-person) through which we COUNT. He asked his friend to count in his head and read at the same time, and then count in his head and talk at the same time. He could do only one. If he counted using pictures of numbers in his head, he wouldn't be able to read because of the visual-visual interference. If he counted by saying the numbers in his head, he wouldn't be able to talk while counting.
I think I'm portraying this in a messy way, but don't you think this is interesting?

Talking of interesting, have you heard of Lucid Dreaming? It is one of the most interesting things I have ever come across. I will be getting on it as soon as I find the time.
So, lucid dreams are this fantastic phenomenon in which WHILE you are in a dream, you realize that it is, in fact, a dream, and the real you isn't swashbuckling or running from monsters (or whatever it is you were doing in that dream) but is safely asleep in bed. Once you realize this, you will be able to control your dream and even make it turn in the direction you want. Have you always wanted to fly? Now you can! (Virtually).
It's also pretty useful for getting over fears, once you master inducing lucid dreams and have complete control over the dream. Most people have lucid-dreamed at least once. But it takes effort and persistence to gain mastery. There are many techniques to induce them. If you want to know more, go to dreamviews.com.  

And, to make it sound cooler, people who lucid dream have a title of their own- they are called Aneironauts.

Talking of which, haven't you ever wondered what stuff dreams are made of? If you Wiki this, you will find a LOT of interesting things. Like, there are five stages of sleep, the last is REM sleep (Rapid Eye Movement), and it is mostly only in this stage that you dream. Now, dreams are essentially made of thoughts, which include memories and sensory descriptions. And what are thoughts? Just neurons! Like little bundles of flickers of thoughts. One theory of dreams (there are so many to explain away dreams) says that when you sleep, neurons aren't very organized or coherent. They bump into each other and create little eddy thoughts which come together to form dreams. I don't know whether this is accurate, but I picture it just like bundles of moisture bumping and merging into each other creating clouds.
That's why you can dream of pink hippopotamuses dancing, though you would never think of it consciously.
Plus, you dream of recent things more, right? This is because the freely floating neuron-dream-components will float off recent memories; old memories tend to fade, getting locked up in some deep corner of the brain.

Oh, and while we're on it, it's not at all true that dreams come only in black-and-white. They DO come in color; you CAN experience all five senses while in a dream.

I have to go now, but be sure to look it all up! It's VERY interesting, yes? :)


  1. Wow... EVN ive had MANY of these lucid dreams till 9th.... nd ive evn created tactix to gain access... xD
    Nowadays... i dont evn try... cuz i ENJOY getting scared by horrifying dreams which are rare fr me these days...
    OMG.. ive had so bad dreams... i wanna have em again xD

  2. Wah! That's so cool re! xD It sort of reminds me of Inception actually. It's pretty awesome ki you do it regularly :)

  3. ill have to check out that multitasking interference. im actually doing my psych final on multitasking. something cool and sorta related: u probably already know that USUALLY the left hemisphere contains almost all speech while the right hemisphere does not. but the cool thing is when the speech area is removed, the person can't speak normally, but can still Sing, Pray, and Swear. use of tones in speech and highly emotional content are contained in the righthemisphere. idk how ill implement this info yet but i thought it was rlly cool and loosely related to ur article lol.

  4. wow just tested that. Can't speak and verbally think numbers to count. But easy to 'see' a numberCount and talk. Adding in changing tone to speech was easy simultaneously. What surprised me was that I could also view the images of numbers in specific colors and patterns of colors without interfering with the multitasking.
    Thats so much info that can be kept track of at once...
    so if one learned to match specific words to colors, tones, and numbers, could possibly carry on 4 completely different sentences at once.
    so glad u happened to write about this counting thing. my psych final is going to be amazing now lol
