Have you heard about it? You might know that being ambidextrous means being able to use both hands with an equal degree of precision (could be in writing, drawing, sports, or ALL of them and more even).
Today ambidextrous people are rare. But have you thought that when you were born, you didn't favor one hand over another? We are born with an equal willlingness to use either hand. But preschool and then school squishes that out by making us use the (usually) right hand. Studies have proven that using both hands lowers risk of a lot of illnesses (including, obviously, Carpal Tunnel), and improves brain functioning and capability.
So why don't we teach ourselves to become ambidextrous? It's really not as impossible as you think. You just need to practice a little, day by day. I've tried, it works very well. And there are tons of crazily interesting little things associated with this; I'll get to that a little later.
You just need to spend FIVE minutes a day writing with your left (or right, if you are a leftie) hand. In a manner of weeks you will surely be able to write well enough with your left hand. In the beginning, your hand will ache fast and the words will be so shaky that you may not even be able to make out what they are. But you can literally see yourself improving, on almost a daily basis. It also helps to increase your stamina by writing for a longer time.
The downside is, you will probably reach a stage when you will not be able to improve further, and your left hand will not be at the same level of perfection as your right. But that's okay.
You can take this further by learning to draw and use the mouse with your other hand too (these are easier than learning how to write).
Now let me introduce something rather interesting. It's called mirror writing, and i'm sure you have heard it somewhere. Ambulances use this; the word 'AMBULANCE' is spelled in mirror, i.e, laterally inverted, so that drivers who see it in their rear-view mirrors see it as it is, i.e NOT inverted, and make way for it. You can write in mirror too! It may be difficult in the beginning, but if you get used to it, you'll be able to write in cursive, and with equal ease.
Now, let's get to the REALLY interesting stuff. Mix-n-match-ing. Why not try to write in mirror with one hand, and normally with the other? If you try this, you will find that it is, in fact, an automatic response of your left hand to write the same thing that your right hand is writing, but in mirror. So this was actually easy.
What about writing different words with different hands? This is insanely difficult. You will find that you write one letter of one word, then one letter of the other word, while thinking that you are writing simultaneously. To do this you need to condition your brain to go in two different directions at once; NOT an easy task.
And that brings us to writing with one hand, drawing with the other; drawing with one hand, drawing something different with the other; drawing the same thing using both hands; drawing with one, writing in mirror with the other...there are SO MANY possibilities. Try it out; once you are able to do these with any degree of precision, you will feel really good. Plus it's a very good exercise for the brain.
I just googled it, and this is a great start for you-
You want more motivation? Some really amazing people were ambidextrous, and it was learned ambidexterity for many of them- Einstein, Tesla, Sharapova, Benjamin Franklin, Picasso...
Want to know one more interesting thing? There is a school in Singrauli that actually teaches it's students to write in separate languages, simultaneously, with both hands. Now how cool is that? Read more about that here- http://www.museumofhoaxes.com/hoax/weblog/comments/4029/
I'll sign off with this INCREDIBLE photo- (http://labnol.blogspot.com/2006/12/can-you-write-with-both-hands.html)

The dude in the photo is going in FIVE different directions at once! It's one thing to write two different things at once, but five? Whoa. Imagine how multi-functional we could become if we trained our brains that way.
You just need to spend FIVE minutes a day writing with your left (or right, if you are a leftie) hand. In a manner of weeks you will surely be able to write well enough with your left hand. In the beginning, your hand will ache fast and the words will be so shaky that you may not even be able to make out what they are. But you can literally see yourself improving, on almost a daily basis. It also helps to increase your stamina by writing for a longer time.
The downside is, you will probably reach a stage when you will not be able to improve further, and your left hand will not be at the same level of perfection as your right. But that's okay.
You can take this further by learning to draw and use the mouse with your other hand too (these are easier than learning how to write).
Now let me introduce something rather interesting. It's called mirror writing, and i'm sure you have heard it somewhere. Ambulances use this; the word 'AMBULANCE' is spelled in mirror, i.e, laterally inverted, so that drivers who see it in their rear-view mirrors see it as it is, i.e NOT inverted, and make way for it. You can write in mirror too! It may be difficult in the beginning, but if you get used to it, you'll be able to write in cursive, and with equal ease.
Now, let's get to the REALLY interesting stuff. Mix-n-match-ing. Why not try to write in mirror with one hand, and normally with the other? If you try this, you will find that it is, in fact, an automatic response of your left hand to write the same thing that your right hand is writing, but in mirror. So this was actually easy.
What about writing different words with different hands? This is insanely difficult. You will find that you write one letter of one word, then one letter of the other word, while thinking that you are writing simultaneously. To do this you need to condition your brain to go in two different directions at once; NOT an easy task.
And that brings us to writing with one hand, drawing with the other; drawing with one hand, drawing something different with the other; drawing the same thing using both hands; drawing with one, writing in mirror with the other...there are SO MANY possibilities. Try it out; once you are able to do these with any degree of precision, you will feel really good. Plus it's a very good exercise for the brain.
I just googled it, and this is a great start for you-
You want more motivation? Some really amazing people were ambidextrous, and it was learned ambidexterity for many of them- Einstein, Tesla, Sharapova, Benjamin Franklin, Picasso...
Want to know one more interesting thing? There is a school in Singrauli that actually teaches it's students to write in separate languages, simultaneously, with both hands. Now how cool is that? Read more about that here- http://www.museumofhoaxes.com/hoax/weblog/comments/4029/
I'll sign off with this INCREDIBLE photo- (http://labnol.blogspot.com/2006/12/can-you-write-with-both-hands.html)

The dude in the photo is going in FIVE different directions at once! It's one thing to write two different things at once, but five? Whoa. Imagine how multi-functional we could become if we trained our brains that way.
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