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Saturday, October 15, 2011


I'm in a wander-y mood today. It's October-end, and yet there's a sudden onslaught of thundershowers. Yesterday evening the cheerful twilight glow turned dark orange and gloomy clouds began to chase each other across the sky. A brief crack of purple light split the sky open and a huge roar followed three seconds later. It was eerie, and beautiful. Orange light seemed to radiate out from behind the hill, like a potent warning.Then the fat droplets of moisture, proof of the clouds' sorrow, rained down. The orange blended softly with a dark gray, and the sky became truly dark. The fresh smell of wet earth that I thought I would have to wait a year more to experience permeated the air. The peacocks began to wail the way they did in the rains.
The next morning the hill was veiled with the clouds of mist, the lake obscured too. It was a new day, everything seemed reborn. Vital, alive, breathing into us new freshness. I love the rains. 
It looked like this. ( I totally freaked out with the camera! )

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