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Thursday, September 29, 2011


Glorious view of Vihar Lake 
Beautiful, don't you think?

Sometimes you watch the play of nature as it is and feel surreal. Does that world exist in and for you?

Stare out, and connect with something intrinsic and omniscient. The subdued dignity of the brown shades that make the hill right ahead, the bronze and green hues of its trees; some young and some in their prime, the serene azure of a pristine lake fortified by mountains.
Two blue-grey pigeons whizz past excitedly, and a chocolate feathered kite in stately flight enjoys its freedom to fly.

The sky is pale blue and the air is filled with so many sounds.

Today nature is exuding this relaxed attitude and invites you to join in.

You lean against the railing with crossed arms. Faint breezes buffet you slightly and you sway a little with the trees. Your peach-brown arms contrast with the metallic white of the railing paint and you think that this is not the way it should be; even your skin colour matches with the shades of the environment. You should be living out there. Your bright dress seems to mock nature.

Technology and industrialization and all that are incredible achievements which humankind has every right to glorify. But are we missing out on something far more important? We are losing our innate and fundamental humanity, and losing it to fake constructs. We are losing our identity, of being creatures of nature, of being independent and self-sufficient. Although we have accomplished wondrous things, today most of us are completely dependent on our creations to the extent that we cannot survive without them. This is quite a sad state to come to.
A few decades more of living his way and we will see the beginning of our end.

The realization has to start. Of just how we are living today compared to aeons back and of just
what we have lost. We have lost something beautiful and irreplaceable. We find traces of it here and there, but for the most part, it has vanished from our lives, taking the joy it imparts along with it.

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